Protect personal data of EU citizens and avoid costly fines by maintaining GDPR compliance
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was created to protect EU citizens personal data and applies to any company worldwide that processes, stores or transmits data related to EU citizens. Failure to comply with the numerous GDPR regulations can result in fines, some of which could be very costly. No other compliance body comes close to levying such severe penalties. Companies that have failed to comply with GDPR have been fined as much as €20 million, and fines of €50 thousand or more are not uncommon.
Additionally, GDPR comprises 99 articles, with regulations covering numerous topics. Many of the regulations do not offer detailed, specific explanations on how to achieve compliance. This makes the need for expert advice all the more necessary, as second-guessing what a GDPR regulation means can lead to a very costly surprise.
To help your company meet the GDPR security compliance requirements for protecting EU citizens’ personal information that you hold, our security solutions detect and prevent data breaches and provide continuous real-time monitoring capabilities, identifying any vulnerabilities or errors that might expose that data. We couple this with the most effective ways to respond when attacks do occur.
GDPR requirements
GDPR doesn’t have detailed technical directions like ISO 27001 or PCI DSS, where there is a specific list of controls that a company must adhere to. Instead, GDPR makes your company responsible for maintaining the security best practices for protecting EU citizens’ personal data:
Minimum requirements for holding a data protection level are needed in order to maintain an appropriate data protection level. GDPR requires the organization to regularly test and maintain its security systems.
How we can help
Cybersecurity attacks continue to increase in both sophistication and in quantity. Prime targets continue to be companies and organizations that hold an individual’s personal information, for cybercriminals can use that information for their own financial gain, sell it to others, or hold the company or an individual ransom. These dangers are why GDPR was created, and why its regulations are so stringent, and the penalties for non-compliance so severe.
HIFENCE cybersecurity services can help your company mitigate dangers to your network, and keep you GDPR-compliant. We’ll first assess your system’s security profile as it relates to GDPR requirements, and then make recommendations for shoring up your system’s vulnerabilities and possible gaps. Then, to keep your system and the EU citizens’ personal data it holds safe from cyber threats, we will provide cybersecurity solutions and technical controls, including 24/7 monitoring, threat detection and response, vulnerability and penetration testing, among other advanced safeguards. So no matter how complex or challenging GDPR requirements are, you’ll be in full compliance with every one of them.

Identify and correct security risks and vulnerabilities
To ensure that a network’s confidentiality, continuity and integrity are protected and fully GDPR-compliant, we help define a holistic view of the company’s security strategy and architecture.
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Vulnerability Management
In addition to our vulnerability scans that provide companies with the data needed to make correct security decisions, we also deliver compliance scanning to further ensure GDPR adherence.
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HIFFENCE penetration testing team acts like actual hackers seeking an EU citizen’s personal information, enabling us to find where a system and security controls can be breached.
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Protect against cybertheft of an individual’s personal data
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
HIFENCE MDR delivers full incident management for real-time monitoring and it both identifies security breaches or deviations from GDPR requirements. It also conducts forensics so your response will be rapid and highly effective.
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Managed Firewall
Firewall is your company’s first line of defense, which makes our managed firewall services especially important to companies entrusted with an EU citizen’s personal information. We perform security hardening, and feed our own custom IoCs, to further ensure GDPR articles are followed.
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Prevent personal data disclosure by monitoring user behavior
SIEM is effective in monitoring unauthorized, unexpected communication and pinpointing a security searchlight precisely on the data needed for you to make the fastest, smartest decisions. It can play a major role in keeping malicious players from entering the system to steal an individual’s personal information and other data.
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Schedule your FREE Consultation
A HIFENCE expert will conduct a quick overview of your network’s cybersecurity and GDPR compliance posture and present actionable roadmaps for achieving the highest level of personal data protection.